Episode 10: 이/가 vs. 는/은 Subject Marking Particles
안녕하세요! 마가리타입니당~! :) Last week I promised you guys to make a video specifically focusing on the 이/가 particle because it can get quite...

Episode 9: Sentence Structure and Particles
안녕 친구들~! I am currently sitting at a lecture, spending my time productively and uploading this video on YouTube (KIDS, do NOT follow my...

Episode 8: 존댓말 vs 반말 Politeness Levels
안녕하세요 친구들~! 마가리타입니당! So this week we're finally done talking about counting in Korean and are moving on to discuss levels of...

Episode 7: 3 Most Useful Counters
안녕 친구들! 마가리타입니당~! Ugh I hate being sick... some people say raspy voices are sexy but I just sound like a man when I have a cold... grrrrr...

Episode 6: Let's count Things!
안녕하세요 여러분~! Sorry for being a few days late with this week's episode but I was just so consumed with university, which started this week...