Episode 9: Sentence Structure and Particles
안녕 친구들~! I am currently sitting at a lecture, spending my time productively and uploading this video on YouTube (KIDS, do NOT follow my...

Episode 2: Tricky Vowels
안녕ㅇㅇㅇ 인구들ㄹㄹㄹㄹ! ^^ I'm sorry for a small delay, I was going to upload this video yesterday but it just took too long to edit because I had...

Episode 1: Pronunciation Tips
안녕하세요 여러분~!!! I am so excited to present to all of you the first episode of the new Weekly Korean segment! :D Thank you all so much for...

Learning Korean On-the-go: Useful Smartphone Apps
안녕~!!!! I'm pretty sure that the title of this video is self explanatory so without any unnecessary blabbering, here are all the apps...