Episode 9: Sentence Structure and Particles
안녕 친구들~! I am currently sitting at a lecture, spending my time productively and uploading this video on YouTube (KIDS, do NOT follow my...

Episode 2: Tricky Vowels
안녕ㅇㅇㅇ 인구들ㄹㄹㄹㄹ! ^^ I'm sorry for a small delay, I was going to upload this video yesterday but it just took too long to edit because I had...

Episode 1: Pronunciation Tips
안녕하세요 여러분~!!! I am so excited to present to all of you the first episode of the new Weekly Korean segment! :D Thank you all so much for...

Learning Korean On-the-go: Useful Smartphone Apps
안녕~!!!! I'm pretty sure that the title of this video is self explanatory so without any unnecessary blabbering, here are all the apps...

How I'm Learning Korean and Korean Study Tips!
안녕하세요 여러분~! Congratulations to those who have just decided to dive into the beautiful world of Korean learning and welcome back to all my...