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Hi! 안녕하세용~!
For those who may not know me yet, my name is Margarita and I am hopelessly in love with Korean music and culture.
I also happen to have a YouTube channel where I sing, dance, eat and breathe Korea.
Want to know more?

Check out my proudest cinematic creation to date. Sergey and I have put all of ourselves into editing this little trailer of our FIRST EVER TRIP TO KOREA! To say it was magical was an understatement :) Let me know if you liked our editing and make sure to stay tuned for more vlogs to come!
I can't believe I got to hang out with KARD twice in one summer (I am one lucky girl)! Check out my little interview where Joseph explains the meaning of his part of the lyrics and how he feels about it!
*runs off to fangirl over how nice each member of KARD is*

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